There’s a lot of talk about the leash, whether it’s ‘leash laws’, training, being out and about, or even the color of the leash.
In this post, we’re going to round up some of those ideas and get ’em collared.
First of all, in general daily use, the leash should be a SECONDARY means of controlling your dog; your voice should be the first. This is easily accomplished with good training, and allows you to confidently take your dog with you without having to worry about getting tangled, pulled, or otherwise annoyed with the leash.
Second, many cities, counties, states, and places have one or more laws in place about having your dog on a leash. Personally, I think it’s dumb, but it’s part of the world we live in, so make sure to check out your local laws.
Third, a good leash can go a long way in handling and training your dog, but always remember that the connection between you and the dog is more important, and more powerful, than the leash. Simply putting a leash on your dog isn’t going to fix poor behaviors, erase your dogs fear or concern about anything, or make you a great dog handler, it’s just a tool you can use with your dog, but it does need to be used correctly.
I’ll get more in depth about the leash as it relates to training in the training category, but remember that the leash is a SECONDARY form of controlling your dog. When I put my dogs on a leash, it’s just to give me a second way to help them behave, especially in places where they’re easily overwhelmed and/or excited about the environment.
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