It seems like it was just a year or two ago that I brought Scout home from the shelter (with a detour to the doggie groomer first!):
But it’s been seven years now, and the adventures continue on!
From exploring your new space and making new friends:
To learning how to Kayak (and then getting a life jacket, boy did we do that one backwards!)
We’ve come a long way in the last year, too; leaving Denver behind to start over in a new city, making new friends and finding new adventures to enjoy!
I’m glad you’re all healed up from the TPLO surgery! I don’t yet know what you did to your other back leg, but it seems to be getting better, so let’s hope it’s a minor injury you can fully recover from so we can get back to exploring soon (once the weather turns a little nicer, it’s COLD outside! :P)
Happy Gotcha Day, Scout, and here’s to many more!
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